Source code for src.server.lib.serialization

"""Serialization Helpers."""
from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
from json import JSONEncoder
from typing import Any
from uuid import UUID

import msgspec
from pydantic import BaseModel

__all__ = [

def _default(value: Any) -> str:
    """Default encoder for msgspec.

        value: The value to encode

        str: The encoded value
    if isinstance(value, BaseModel):
        return str(value.dict(by_alias=True))
        val = str(value)
    except Exception as exc:  # noqa: BLE001
        raise TypeError from exc
        return val

_msgspec_json_encoder = msgspec.json.Encoder(enc_hook=_default)
_msgspec_json_decoder = msgspec.json.Decoder()
_msgspec_msgpack_encoder = msgspec.msgpack.Encoder(enc_hook=_default)
_msgspec_msgpack_decoder = msgspec.msgpack.Decoder()

[docs] def to_json(value: Any) -> bytes: """Encode json with the optimized :doc:`msgspec <msgspec:index>` package. Args: value: The value to encode Returns: bytes: The encoded value """ return _msgspec_json_encoder.encode(value)
[docs] def from_json(value: bytes | str) -> Any: """Decode to an object with the optimized :doc:`msgspec <msgspec:index>` package. Args: value: The value to decode Returns: Any: The decoded value """ return _msgspec_json_decoder.decode(value)
[docs] def to_msgpack(value: Any) -> bytes: """Encode json with the optimized :doc:`msgspec <msgspec:index>` package. Args: value: The value to encode Returns: bytes: The encoded value """ return _msgspec_msgpack_encoder.encode(value)
[docs] def from_msgpack(value: bytes) -> Any: """Decode to an object with the optimized :doc:`msgspec <msgspec:index>` package. Args: value: The value to decode Returns: Any: The decoded value """ return _msgspec_msgpack_decoder.decode(value)
[docs] def convert_datetime_to_gmt(dt: datetime.datetime) -> str: """Handle datetime serialization for nested timestamps. Args: dt: The datetime to convert Returns: str: The datetime converted to GMT """ if not dt.tzinfo: dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=datetime.UTC) return dt.isoformat().replace("+00:00", "Z")
[docs] def convert_string_to_camel_case(string: str) -> str: """Convert a string to camel case. Args: string: The string to convert Returns: str: The string converted to camel case """ return "".join(word if index == 0 else word.capitalize() for index, word in enumerate(string.split("_")))
[docs] def convert_camel_to_snake_case(string: str) -> str: """Convert a string to snake case. Args: string: The string to convert Returns: str: The string converted to snake case """ return "".join(f"_{char.lower()}" if index > 0 and char.isupper() else char for index, char in enumerate(string))
[docs] class UUIDEncoder(JSONEncoder): """JSON Encoder for UUIDs."""
[docs] def default(self, o: Any) -> Any: """Handle UUIDs. Args: o: The object to encode Returns: str: The encoded object """ return str(o) if isinstance(o, UUID) else super().default(o)