Source code for src.byte.plugins.general

"""General plugins to be used wherever."""
from __future__ import annotations

from discord import Embed, Interaction
from discord.app_commands import command as app_command
from discord.ext.commands import Bot, Cog

from byte.lib.common.assets import litestar_logo_yellow
from byte.lib.common.links import markdown_guide, pastebin
from byte.lib.utils import linker

__all__ = ("GeneralCommands", "setup")

[docs] class GeneralCommands(Cog): """General commands."""
[docs] def __init__(self, bot: Bot) -> None: """Initialize cog.""" = bot self.__cog_name__ = "General Commands" # type: ignore[misc]
@app_command(name="paste") async def show_paste(self, interaction: Interaction) -> None: """Slash command to show an embed for pasting code. Args: interaction: Interaction object. """ embed = Embed(title="Paste long format code", color=0x42B1A8) embed.add_field( name="Paste Service", value=f"You can easily paste long code by using the {linker('Paste', pastebin)} service.", inline=True, ) embed.add_field( name="Syntax Highlighting", value="You can also use backticks to format your code. Read about it in the " f"{linker('Discord Markdown Guide', markdown_guide)}.", ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=litestar_logo_yellow) await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed)
[docs] async def setup(bot: Bot) -> None: """Set up the General cog.""" await bot.add_cog(GeneralCommands(bot))