Source code for

"""Plugins for events."""
from threading import Thread
from typing import cast

from discord import Embed
from discord.ext.commands import Bot, Cog

from byte.lib.common.assets import litestar_logo_yellow
from byte.lib.common.links import mcve
from byte.lib.utils import linker
from byte.views.forums import HelpThreadView

__all__ = ("Events", "setup")

[docs] class Events(Cog): """Events cog."""
[docs] def __init__(self, bot: Bot) -> None: """Initialize cog.""" = bot
[docs] @Cog.listener() async def on_thread_create(self, thread: Thread) -> None: """Handle thread create event. .. todo:: parameterize the command prefix per guild, and the mention tag per guild. Args: thread (discord.Thread): Thread that was created. """ if == "help": embed = Embed(title=f"Notes for {}", color=0x42B1A8) embed.add_field(name="At your assistance", value=f"{thread.owner.mention}", inline=False) embed.add_field( name="No Response?", value="If no response in a reasonable time, ping @Member.", inline=True ) commands_to_solve = " or ".join( f"`{command_prefix}solve`" for command_prefix in cast(list[str], ) embed.add_field(name="Closing", value=f"To close, type {commands_to_solve}.", inline=True) embed.add_field( name="MCVE", value=f"Please include an {linker('MCVE', mcve)} so that we can reproduce your issue locally.", inline=False, ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=litestar_logo_yellow) view = HelpThreadView(author=thread.owner, await thread.send(embed=embed, view=view) elif == "forum": reply = f"Thanks for posting, {thread.owner.mention}!" await thread.send(reply)
[docs] async def setup(bot: Bot) -> None: """Set up the Events cog.""" await bot.add_cog(Events(bot))