Source code for src.byte.plugins.astral

"""Plugins for Astral Inc. related software, including Ruff, uv, etc."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from discord import Embed, Interaction
from discord.app_commands import Choice, autocomplete
from discord.app_commands import command as app_command
from discord.ext.commands import Bot, Cog

from byte.lib.common.assets import ruff_logo
from byte.lib.common.colors import astral_purple, astral_yellow
from byte.lib.utils import chunk_sequence, format_ruff_rule, query_all_ruff_rules
from byte.views.astral import RuffView

    from byte.lib.utils import RuffRule

__all__ = ("Astral", "setup")

[docs] class Astral(Cog): """Astral cog."""
[docs] def __init__(self, bot: Bot, rules: list[RuffRule]) -> None: """Initialize cog.""" = bot self.__cog_name__ = "Astral Commands" # make rule lookup faster self._rules = {rule["code"]: rule for rule in rules}
async def _rule_autocomplete(self, _: Interaction, current_rule: str) -> list[Choice[str]]: # TODO: this can and should be made faster, rn this is slow, slow like the maintainer return [ Choice(name=f'{code} - {rule["name"]}', value=code) for code, rule in self._rules.items() if current_rule.lower() in code.lower() ][:25] @app_command(name="ruff") @autocomplete(rule=_rule_autocomplete) async def ruff_rule(self, interaction: Interaction, rule: str) -> None: """Slash command to look up and display a Ruff linting rule. Args: interaction: Interaction object. rule: The rule to lookup. """ await interaction.response.send_message("Querying Ruff rule...", ephemeral=True) if (rule_details := self._rules.get(rule)) is None: embed = Embed(title=f"Rule '{rule}' not found.", color=astral_purple) await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed) return formatted_rule_details = format_ruff_rule(rule_details) docs_field = ( f"- [Rule Documentation]({formatted_rule_details['rule_link']})\n" f"- [Similar Rules]({formatted_rule_details['rule_anchor_link']})" ) # TODO: investigate if we can clean this up minified_embed = Embed(title=f"Ruff Rule: {formatted_rule_details['name']}", color=astral_yellow) minified_embed.add_field(name="Summary", value=formatted_rule_details["summary"], inline=False) minified_embed.add_field(name="Documentation", value=docs_field, inline=False) minified_embed.set_thumbnail(url=ruff_logo) embed = Embed(title=f"Ruff Rule: {formatted_rule_details['name']}", color=astral_yellow) embed.add_field(name="Summary", value=formatted_rule_details["summary"], inline=False) # TODO: Better chunking for idx, chunk in enumerate(chunk_sequence(formatted_rule_details["explanation"], 1000)): embed.add_field(name="" if idx else "Explanation", value="".join(chunk), inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Fix", value=formatted_rule_details["fix"], inline=False) embed.add_field(name="Documentation", value=docs_field, inline=False) embed.set_thumbnail(url=ruff_logo) view = RuffView(,, original_embed=embed, minified_embed=minified_embed) await interaction.followup.send(embed=minified_embed, view=view) @app_command(name="format") async def format_code(self, interaction: Interaction, code_block: str) -> None: # noqa: ARG002 """Formats the provided code using Ruff and uploads the result to a pastebin. Args: interaction: The Discord interaction object. code_block: The block of code to format. """ await interaction.response.send_message("This feature is not yet ready.", ephemeral=True)
# await interaction.response.send_message("Ruffing your code up...", ephemeral=True) # formatted_code = run_ruff_format(code_block) # paste_link = await paste(formatted_code) # await interaction.followup.send(f"I Ruffed your code up a little... {paste_link}", ephemeral=False)
[docs] async def setup(bot: Bot) -> None: """Set up the Astral cog.""" await bot.add_cog(Astral(bot, await query_all_ruff_rules()))