Source code for src.byte.plugins.admin

"""Plugins for admins.

.. todo:: add an unload cog command.
from discord import Interaction
from discord.app_commands import command as app_command
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import Bot, Cog, Context, command, group, is_owner

from byte.lib.utils import is_byte_dev

__all__ = ("AdminCommands", "setup")

[docs] class AdminCommands(Cog): """Admin command cog."""
[docs] def __init__(self, bot: Bot) -> None: """Initialize cog.""" = bot self.__cog_name__ = "Admin Commands" # type: ignore[misc]
@group(name="admin") @is_byte_dev() async def admin(self, ctx: Context) -> None: """Commands for bot admins.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await ctx.send("Invalid admin command passed...") await ctx.send_help(ctx.command) @command(name="list-cogs", help="Lists all loaded cogs.", aliases=["lc"], hidden=True) @is_owner() async def list_cogs(self, ctx: Context) -> None: """Lists all loaded cogs. Args: ctx: Context object. """ cogs = [cog.split(".")[-1] for cog in] await ctx.send(f"Loaded cogs: {', '.join(cogs)}") @command(name="reload", help="Reloads a cog.", aliases=["rl"], hidden=True) @is_owner() async def reload(self, ctx: Context, cog: str = "all") -> None: """Reloads a cog or all cogs if specified. Args: ctx: Context object. cog: Name of cog to reload. Default is "all". """ if cog.lower() == "all": await self.reload_all_cogs(ctx) else: await self.reload_single_cog(ctx, cog)
[docs] async def reload_all_cogs(self, ctx: Context) -> None: """Reload all cogs. Args: ctx: Context object. """ results = [] for extension in list( cog_name = extension.split(".")[-1] result = await self.reload_single_cog(ctx, cog_name, send_message=False) results.append(result) results.append("All cogs reloaded!") await ctx.send("\n".join(results))
[docs] async def reload_single_cog(self, ctx: Context, cog: str, send_message: bool = True) -> str: """Reload a single cog.""" try: await"plugins.{cog}") message = f"Cog `{cog}` reloaded!" except (commands.ExtensionNotLoaded, commands.ExtensionNotFound) as e: message = f"Error with cog `{cog}`: {e!s}" if send_message: await ctx.send(message) return message
@app_command(name="sync") @is_byte_dev() async def tree_sync(self, interaction: Interaction) -> None: """Slash command to perform a global sync.""" results = await await interaction.response.send_message("\n".join( for i in results), ephemeral=True)
[docs] async def setup(bot: Bot) -> None: """Add cog to bot. Args: bot: Bot object. """ await bot.add_cog(AdminCommands(bot))