Source code for src.byte.lib.utils

"""Byte utilities."""
from __future__ import annotations

import json
import re
import subprocess
from datetime import UTC, datetime
from enum import StrEnum
from itertools import islice
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict, TypeVar

import httpx
from anyio import run_process
from discord.ext import commands
from ruff.__main__ import find_ruff_bin  # type: ignore[import-untyped]

from byte.lib import settings
from byte.lib.common.links import pastebin

    from import Iterable
    from typing import Any

    from discord.ext.commands import Context
    from discord.ext.commands._types import Check

__all__ = (

_T = TypeVar("_T")

[docs] class BaseRuffRule(TypedDict): """Base Ruff rule data.""" name: str summary: str fix: str explanation: str
[docs] class RuffRule(BaseRuffRule): """Ruff rule data.""" code: str linter: str message_formats: list[str] preview: bool
[docs] class FormattedRuffRule(BaseRuffRule): """Formatted Ruff rule data.""" rule_link: str rule_anchor_link: str
class PEPType(StrEnum): """Type of PEP. Based off of `PEP Types in PEP1 <>`_. """ I = "Informational" # noqa: E741 P = "Process" S = "Standards Track" class PEPStatus(StrEnum): """Status of a PEP. .. note:: ``Active`` and ``Accepted`` both traditionally use ``A``, but are differentiated here for clarity. Based off of `PEP Status in PEP1 <>`_. """ A = "Active" AA = "Accepted" D = "Deferred" __ = "Draft" F = "Final" P = "Provisional" R = "Rejected" S = "Superseded" W = "Withdrawn" class PEPHistoryItem(TypedDict, total=False): """PEP history item. Sometimes these include a list of ``datetime`` objects, other times they are a list of datetime and str because they contain a date and an rST link. """ date: str link: str
[docs] class PEP(TypedDict): """PEP data. Based off of the `PEPS API <>`_. """ number: int title: str authors: list[str] | str discussions_to: str status: PEPStatus type: PEPType topic: str created: datetime python_version: list[float] | float post_history: list[str] resolution: str | None requires: str | None replaces: str | None superseded_by: str | None url: str
[docs] def is_byte_dev() -> Check[Any]: """Check if the user is a Byte developer. Returns: A check function. """ async def predicate(ctx: Context) -> bool: """Check if the user is a Byte Dev or Owner. Args: ctx: Context object. Returns: True if the user is a Byte Dev or Owner, False otherwise. """ if await or == settings.discord.DEV_USER_ID: return True return any( == "byte-dev" for role in # type: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue] return commands.check(predicate)
[docs] def linker(title: str, link: str, show_embed: bool = False) -> str: """Create a Markdown link, optionally with an embed. Args: title: The title of the link. link: The URL of the link. show_embed: Whether to show the embed or not. Returns: A Markdown link. """ return f"[{title}]({link})" if show_embed else f"[{title}](<{link}>)"
[docs] def mention_user(user_id: int) -> str: """Mention a user by ID. Args: user_id: The unique identifier for the user. Returns: A formatted string that mentions the user. """ return f"<@{user_id}>"
[docs] def mention_user_nickname(user_id: int) -> str: """Mention a user by ID with a nickname. Args: user_id: The unique identifier for the user. Returns: A formatted string that mentions the user with a nickname. """ return f"<@!{user_id}>"
[docs] def mention_channel(channel_id: int) -> str: """Mention a channel by ID. Args: channel_id: The unique identifier for the channel. Returns: A formatted string that mentions the channel. """ return f"<#{channel_id}>"
[docs] def mention_role(role_id: int) -> str: """Mention a role by ID. Args: role_id: The unique identifier for the role. Returns: A formatted string that mentions the role. """ return f"<@&{role_id}>"
[docs] def mention_slash_command(name: str, command_id: int) -> str: """Mention a slash command by name and ID. Args: name: The name of the slash command. command_id: The unique identifier for the slash command. Returns: A formatted string that mentions the slash command. """ return f"</{name}:{command_id}>"
[docs] def mention_custom_emoji(name: str, emoji_id: int) -> str: """Mention a custom emoji by name and ID. Args: name: The name of the emoji. emoji_id: The unique identifier for the emoji. Returns: A formatted string that mentions the custom emoji. """ return f"<:{name}:{emoji_id}>"
[docs] def mention_custom_emoji_animated(name: str, emoji_id: int) -> str: """Mention an animated custom emoji by name and ID. Args: name: The name of the animated emoji. emoji_id: The unique identifier for the animated emoji. Returns: A formatted string that mentions the animated custom emoji. """ return f"<a:{name}:{emoji_id}>"
[docs] def mention_timestamp(timestamp: int, style: str = "") -> str: """Mention a timestamp, optionally with a style. Args: timestamp: The Unix timestamp to format. style: An optional string representing the timestamp style. (Default `` ``, valid styles: ``t``, ``T``, ``d``, ``D``, ``f``, ``F``, ``R``) Returns: A formatted string that represents the timestamp. """ return f"<t:{timestamp}:{style}>" if style else f"<t:{timestamp}>"
[docs] def mention_guild_navigation(guild_nav_type: str, guild_element_id: int) -> str: """Mention a guild navigation element by type and ID. Args: guild_nav_type: The type of the guild navigation element. guild_element_id: The unique identifier for the element. Returns: A formatted string that mentions the guild navigation element. """ return f"<{guild_element_id}:{guild_nav_type}>"
[docs] def format_ruff_rule(rule_data: RuffRule) -> FormattedRuffRule: """Format ruff rule data for embed-friendly output and append rule link. Args: rule_data: The ruff rule data. Returns: FormattedRuffRule: The formatted rule data. """ explanation_formatted = re.sub(r"## (.+)", r"**\1**", rule_data["explanation"]) rule_code = rule_data["code"] rule_name = rule_data["name"] rule_link = f"{rule_name}" rule_anchor_link = f"{rule_code}" return { "name": rule_data.get("name", "No name available"), "summary": rule_data.get("summary", "No summary available"), "explanation": explanation_formatted, "fix": rule_data.get("fix", "No fix available"), "rule_link": rule_link, "rule_anchor_link": rule_anchor_link, }
[docs] async def query_all_ruff_rules() -> list[RuffRule]: """Query all Ruff linting rules. Returns: list[RuffRule]: All ruff rules """ _ruff = find_ruff_bin() try: result = await run_process([_ruff, "rule", "--all", "--output-format", "json"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: stderr = getattr(e, "stderr", b"").decode() msg = f"Error while querying all rules: {stderr}" raise ValueError(msg) from e else: return json.loads(result.stdout.decode())
[docs] def run_ruff_format(code: str) -> str: """Formats code using Ruff. Args: code: The code to format. Returns: str: The formatted code. """ result = ["ruff", "format", "-"], # noqa: S603, S607 input=code, capture_output=True, text=True, check=False, ) return result.stdout if result.returncode == 0 else code
[docs] async def paste(code: str) -> str: """Uploads the given code to Args: code: The formatted code to upload. Returns: str: The URL of the uploaded paste. """ async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: response = await f"{pastebin}/api/v1/paste", json={ "expiry": "1day", "files": [{"name": "", "lexer": "python", "content": code}], }, ) response_data = response.json() paste_link = response_data.get("link") return paste_link or "Failed to upload formatted code."
[docs] def chunk_sequence(sequence: Iterable[_T], size: int) -> Iterable[tuple[_T, ...]]: """Naïve chunking of an iterable. Args: sequence (Iterable[_T]): Iterable to chunk size (int): Size of chunk Yields: Iterable[tuple[_T, ...]]: An n-tuple that contains chunked data """ _sequence = iter(sequence) while chunk := tuple(islice(_sequence, size)): yield chunk
def format_resolution_link(resolution: str | None) -> str: """Formats the resolution URL into a markdown link. Args: resolution (str): The resolution URL. Returns: str: The formatted markdown link. """ if not resolution: return "N/A" if "" in resolution: return f"[via Discussion Forum]({resolution})" if "" in resolution: return f"[via Mailist]({resolution})" return resolution
[docs] async def query_all_peps() -> list[PEP]: """Query all PEPs from the PEPs API. Returns: list[PEP]: All PEPs """ url = "" async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client: response = await client.get(url) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() return [ # type: ignore[reportReturnType] { "number": pep_info["number"], "title": pep_info["title"], "authors": pep_info["authors"].split(", "), "discussions_to": pep_info["discussions_to"], "status": PEPStatus(pep_info["status"]), "type": PEPType(pep_info["type"]), "topic": pep_info.get("topic", ""), "created": datetime.strptime(pep_info["created"], "%d-%b-%Y").replace(tzinfo=UTC).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "python_version": pep_info.get("python_version"), "post_history": pep_info.get("post_history", []), "resolution": format_resolution_link(pep_info.get("resolution", "N/A")), "requires": pep_info.get("requires"), "replaces": pep_info.get("replaces"), "superseded_by": pep_info.get("superseded_by"), "url": pep_info["url"], } for pep_info in data.values() ]