Source code for src.byte.lib.settings

"""Project Settings."""
from __future__ import annotations

import os
from pathlib import Path  # noqa: TCH003
from typing import Final

from dotenv import load_dotenv
from pydantic import ValidationError, field_validator
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings, SettingsConfigDict

import utils
from __metadata__ import __version__ as version

__all__ = [


BASE_DIR: Final = utils.module_to_os_path(DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME)
PLUGINS_DIR: Final = utils.module_to_os_path("byte.plugins")

[docs] class DiscordSettings(BaseSettings): """Discord Settings.""" model_config = SettingsConfigDict(case_sensitive=True, env_file=".env", env_prefix="DISCORD_", extra="ignore") TOKEN: str """Discord API token.""" COMMAND_PREFIX: list[str] = ["!"] """Command prefix for bot commands.""" DEV_GUILD_ID: int """Discord Guild ID for development.""" DEV_USER_ID: int """Discord User ID for development.""" PLUGINS_LOC: Path = PLUGINS_DIR """Base Path to plugins directory.""" PLUGINS_DIRS: list[Path] = [f"{PLUGINS_DIR}"] """Directories to search for plugins.""" PRESENCE_URL: str = ""
[docs] @field_validator("COMMAND_PREFIX") @classmethod def assemble_command_prefix(cls, value: str) -> list[str]: """Assembles the bot command prefix based on the environment. Args: value: Default value of ``COMMAND_PREFIX``. Currently ``["!"]`` Returns: The assembled prefix string. """ env_urls = { "prod": "byte ", "test": "bit ", "dev": "nibble ", } environment = os.getenv("ENVIRONMENT", "dev") # Add env specific command prefix in addition to the default "!" value.append(os.getenv("COMMAND_PREFIX", env_urls[environment])) return value
[docs] @field_validator("PRESENCE_URL") @classmethod def assemble_presence_url(cls, value: str) -> str: # noqa: ARG003 """Assembles the bot presence url based on the environment. Args: value: Not used. Returns: The assembled prefix string. """ env_urls = { "prod": "", "test": "", "dev": "", } environment = os.getenv("ENVIRONMENT", "dev") return os.getenv("PRESENCE_URL", env_urls[environment])
[docs] class LogSettings(BaseSettings): """Logging config for the Project.""" model_config = SettingsConfigDict(case_sensitive=True, env_file=".env", env_prefix="LOG_", extra="ignore") LEVEL: int = 20 """Stdlib log levels. Only emit logs at this level, or higher. """ DISCORD_LEVEL: int = 30 """Sets the log level for the library.""" WEBSOCKETS_LEVEL: int = 30 """Sets the log level for the websockets library.""" ASYNCIO_LEVEL: int = 20 """Sets the log level for the asyncio library.""" FORMAT: str = "[[ %(asctime)s ]] - [[ %(name)s ]] - [[ %(levelname)s ]] - %(message)s" """Log format string.""" FILE: Path = BASE_DIR / "logs" / "byte.log" """Log file path."""
[docs] class ProjectSettings(BaseSettings): """Project Settings.""" model_config = SettingsConfigDict(case_sensitive=True, env_file=".env", extra="ignore") DEBUG: bool = False """Run app with ``debug=True``.""" ENVIRONMENT: str = "prod" """``dev``, ``prod``, ``test``, etc.""" VERSION: str = version """The current version of the application."""
# noinspection PyShadowingNames def load_settings() -> ( tuple[ DiscordSettings, LogSettings, ProjectSettings, ] ): """Load Settings file. Returns: Settings: application settings """ try: """Override Application reload dir.""" discord: DiscordSettings = DiscordSettings.model_validate({}) log: LogSettings = LogSettings.model_validate({}) project: ProjectSettings = ProjectSettings.model_validate({}) except ValidationError as error: print(f"Could not load settings. Error: {error!r}") # noqa: T201 raise error from error return ( discord, log, project, ) ( discord, log, project, ) = load_settings()