"""Shared models."""
from __future__ import annotations
from uuid import UUID # noqa: TCH003
from advanced_alchemy.base import UUIDAuditBase
from sqlalchemy import BigInteger, ForeignKey, String, UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import AssociationProxy, association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column, relationship
__all__ = ("GitHubConfig", "Guild", "SOTagsConfig", "User")
class Guild(UUIDAuditBase):
"""Guild configuration.
A single guild will contain base defaults (e.g., ``prefix``, boolean flags for linking, etc.)
with configurable options that can be set by the guild owner or ``allowed_users``.
Part of the feature set of Byte is that you have interactivity with your git repositories,
StackOverflow, Discord forums, and other external services.
Here, a guild should be able to configure their own GitHub organization, StackOverflow tags, etc.
__tablename__ = "guild" # type: ignore[reportAssignmentType]
__table_args__ = {"comment": "Configuration for a Discord guild."}
guild_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(BigInteger, unique=True, index=True)
guild_name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(100))
prefix: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(5), server_default="!", default="!")
help_channel_id: Mapped[int | None] = mapped_column(BigInteger)
sync_label: Mapped[str | None]
issue_linking: Mapped[bool] = mapped_column(default=False)
comment_linking: Mapped[bool] = mapped_column(default=False)
pep_linking: Mapped[bool] = mapped_column(default=False)
# =================
# ORM Relationships
# =================
github_config: Mapped[GitHubConfig | None] = relationship(
cascade="save-update, merge, delete",
sotags_configs: Mapped[list[SOTagsConfig]] = relationship(
cascade="all, delete-orphan",
allowed_users: Mapped[list[AllowedUsersConfig]] = relationship(
cascade="save-update, merge, delete",
class GitHubConfig(UUIDAuditBase):
"""GitHub configuration.
A guild will be able to configure which organization or user they want as a default
base, which repository they want as a default, and whether they would like to sync
discussions with forum posts.
__tablename__ = "github_config" # type: ignore[reportAssignmentType]
__table_args__ = {"comment": "GitHub configuration for a guild."}
guild_id: Mapped[UUID] = mapped_column(ForeignKey("guild.id", ondelete="cascade"))
discussion_sync: Mapped[bool] = mapped_column(default=False)
github_organization: Mapped[str | None]
github_repository: Mapped[str | None]
# =================
# ORM Relationships
# =================
guild: Mapped[Guild] = relationship(
cascade="save-update, merge, delete",
class AllowedUsersConfig(UUIDAuditBase):
"""SQLAlchemy association model for a guild's allowed users' config.
A guild normally has a set of users to perform administrative actions, but sometimes
we don't want to give full administrative access to a user.
This model allows us to configure which users are allowed to perform administrative
actions on Byte specifically without giving them full administrative access to the Discord guild.
__tablename__ = "allowed_users" # type: ignore[reportAssignmentType]
__table_args__ = (
UniqueConstraint("guild_id", "user_id"),
{"comment": "Configuration for allowed users in a Discord guild."},
guild_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey("guild.guild_id", ondelete="cascade"))
user_id: Mapped[UUID] = mapped_column(ForeignKey("user.id", ondelete="cascade"))
guild_name: AssociationProxy[str] = association_proxy("guild", "guild_name")
user_name: AssociationProxy[str] = association_proxy("user", "name")
# =================
# ORM Relationships
# =================
guild: Mapped[Guild] = relationship(
user: Mapped[User] = relationship(
class User(UUIDAuditBase):
"""SQLAlchemy model representing a user.
.. todo:: This may not really be needed?
Currently, a user in the Byte context is an individual user assigned to the
guild's allowed users config.
In the future we may want to expand this to allow for more granular permissions.
__tablename__ = "user" # type: ignore[reportAssignmentType]
__table_args__ = {"comment": "A user."}
name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(100))
avatar_url: Mapped[str | None]
discriminator: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(4))
# =================
# ORM Relationships
# =================
guilds_allowed: Mapped[list[AllowedUsersConfig]] = relationship(
cascade="save-update, merge, delete",